Excellent post.
I don't know if you've heard of the saying "fish don't know that they're swimming."
I love that saying. It definitely applies to racism, sexism and bigotry.
People often conflate racism and sexism with hatred. This is one reason why when someone is confronted with their attitudes, they're flabbergasted.
"I don't hate anybody!" is a standard reply. When confronted about their anger issues, they'll excuse their ill temper by labeling it righteous indignation.
Since most of our attitudes and presumptions have been baked in through years of indoctrination, we often are unaware of our biases and beliefs.
Some folks take their lack of self-awareness to incredible depths. It's almost an artform.
Racism and sexism are attitudes of power, privilege, and position. This is the reason why it's so difficult to extricate this attitude from social and cultural norms.
Whole systems are built to support these attitudes because those who benefit from them see them as essential cultural norms.
Scratch the surface of racism and sexism and you'll find a strong belief and support for the established hierarchy of power.
If you wonder why many people of color or women support racism and sexism, there is usually that strong emotional bond with the established hierarchy. They derive some form of benefit from it.
Being "one of the good ones" is akin to being a "good girl". It essentially means that you know and accept your place in the hierarchy.
This kind of conditional love and support can be seen in pop culture. Racists can genuinely love and adore a famous sports figure or celebrity, regardless of their race or ethnicity...
All bets are off when that celebrity steps out of line. Black female Fox News commentator Eboni Williams received over 100 death threats for criticizing Donald Trump’s stance on racists in Charlottesville back in 2017.
Showing people with racist attitudes who they are won’t get you compliments. It causes anger and resentment. Reality can be truly frightening.
In 2008, Barack H. Obama became the most powerful man in the world. There are many people who had their simple world view flipped that year.
Many Americans who had no idea that they were racists woke up to that fact. It wasn't just because Obama was a black man. He wasn't their black man.
This is why the next president was so comforting to 1/3 of the US population. He allowed them to feel safe again.
You’re one of the “good ones” until you force a fish to the surface. They won’t thank you for the revelation, they’ll get very pissed off at your attempt to upset the natural order of things. make all the money you want, just don't mess with the hierarchy of power.