How to Get Well, Stay Fit and Keep Moving Even When Life Gets in The Way

Dennis Francis
11 min readFeb 18, 2022


Young woman meditating.
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I needed to write a short welcome letter on the intro page of my new local online wellness directory. It turned into a long form article instead. So, I figured that I would share it with you…

How to Get Well, Stay Fit and Keep Moving Even When Life Gets in The Way

Welcome to my corner of the Internet. This started out as a short primer on wellness but got carried away. There’s so much to the idea of being well. There’s the physical part and then the mental component. It’s difficult to say which is more challenging to develop.

Let’s start with exercise. It’s not a new concept that exercise is good for us. It improves fitness, burns calories, and raises the metabolic rate of our bodies. Exercise also reduces the risks of type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and stroke. For exercise, there are many combinations we can use to get the desired results:

  • Cardiovascular fitness (running).
  • Strength training (weightlifting).
  • Flexibility/mobility (yoga).
  • Or even just walking.

Whatever tee fitness routine, setting goals and staying consistent with our workouts will help us stay motivated. To increase levels of physical activity without getting tired or sweaty, break up the workout into 10-minute intervals during the day instead of an hour-long workout each day.

Get Well Before Getting Fit

Wellness is defined as “the act of practicing healthy habits on a daily basis to attain better physical and mental health outcomes, so that instead of just surviving, you’re thriving.” I like that definition.

Let’s start by moving. It is important to stay active throughout the day. A healthy lifestyle does not just mean getting buff and shredded. It’s often just about feeling good most of the time. Not the boring type of good. I’m talking about the kind of good where even when your body hurts, it’s fine. Just fine, because there are so many things to be thankful for.

Besides feeling good, it’s also about having the motivation to do what gets us out of bed in the morning. This is where we know that the mental and physical components are in synch. My legs hurt from the workout yesterday but all is right with the world.

Get Your Checkups

Most of us put off the yearly checkup, but it’s an essential part of staying healthy. By getting an annual physical from your doctor or another health care provider, you can catch any serious illnesses before they get worse, as well as improve your fitness level and diet. At first, an annual checkup may seem like a chore, but once you’re done, use the results to set your goals.

Take Your Medicine

Don’t forget to take your medications and supplements every day. Make sure you’re taking all prescribed medication. Failing to take your medication properly can negatively affect your overall health and fitness.

People don’t always know how to stay physically fit for life, which is why following fitness professionals and wellness experts can be beneficial. Remember that everyone is unique, so you need to find what works for your body.

80/20 Approach to staying active

There are a lot of these factors that influence our outward appearance, according to the 80/20 rule (80 percent of our diets and 20 percent of our activity influence our appearance). We shouldn’t stop exercising! It just implies that our eating plan should be efficient and our exercise plan be effective.

Get up and move around once every hour. This is the simplest fitness tip that everyone can follow. If you work at your seat, set an alarm to move and stretch for two minutes every hour.

It’s all about being active every day, and not just going for a run or going to the gym once a week. Here are some simple activities for you to try:

· Take the stairs.

· Park your car a block or two from your work.

· Keep a five-pound dumbbell at your desk. Pick it up throughout the day.

· Stretch every morning when you get out of bed and right before going to sleep.

Focus on Nutrition

For hitting your fat loss goals, your diet is 80 percent more important than your workout. Eat well, but eat smart. Tailor your eating plan for your body type and activity level. Keep working out.

Eliminate Bad Habits

A process like this is ongoing. “It is easier to prevent bad habits than to break them”; said Ben Franklin. In order to get rid of bad habits, the best way is to practice good ones more often than bad ones. As you form more good habits, the bad ones will begin to fade away.

Get Plenty of Sleep

Sleep is important to stay fit, but Americans don’t get enough of it. There is evidence that poor sleep contributes to obesity, type 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. Sleep deprivation also leads to increased pain, impaired attention and memory problems.

This simple test can tell you how much sleep you need: when you wake up feeling refreshed, you probably slept enough. If not, try adjusting your bedtime to be earlier or try to sleep more soundly.

Track Calories (but don’t obsess about it)

Counting calories is a hassle for most people, but it is essential if you have any hope of losing body fat and getting in shape. It’s not that we’re obsessing over calories; it’s that we can’t track fitness correctly without it.

Use an app like My Fitness Pal, which is free to use. Plan your meals and rotate them regularly. Keep to what you know about your chicken dinner portions and calorie counts. Pre-planned meals help to cut down on the amount of tracking information you have to enter. This simplifies the process.

Exercise regularly

We covered this already, but it’s worth repeating. You will gain fitness if you stay active and escalate your level of activity. It’s that simple. You don’t have to go crazy, but make time for fitness at least three times per week.

Get a Personal Trainer

Many people have found success with this idea. Determine what you want to achieve. Maybe going rock climbing is on your bucket list. You need to get in shape for your daughter’s wedding, or you have a cycling race coming up next Spring.

Connect with a personal trainer and let them know what your goal is. They can develop a fitness plan for you based on that goal. You’ll be held accountable and motivated to keep up your fitness during the months leading up to your event. If you haven’t been “strong on fitness” before, this can be an excellent strategy if you need motivation.

Don’t Wait Until It’s Too Late

Okay, it’s never too late. After going through a tough time, many people find renewed purpose and motivation to take action toward their goals and live a fulfilling life.

Don’t wait until regret sets in. Make your goals a reality now. Although they don’t have to be done in a specific order, if you focus on wellness in particular, you will probably be able to accomplish everything in your life in a shorter time period.

Avoid the Bad Kind of Stress

Anthony Robbins, the motivation guru, talks a lot about taking fear and turning it into positive excitement and anticipation. He talks about fear and excitement, sharing the same physiological responses.

Stress comes in different flavors as well. Good stress (called eustress) is that positive excitement we feel when we’re having a great time. Chronic stress and acute stress are the negative kinds we get but can’t seem to shake.

They pump up cortisol into our system and activate our fight-or-flight mechanism. We worry and feel fear even when there’s no obvious danger.

First, let’s accept the fact that we’re going to get bad stress from time to time. Whether it’s the quick shocks or the longer-lasting dread and worry; negative stress will show up. What we need are systems in place to shorten its stay.

Mental and physical coping mechanisms to ward off or shorten negative stress include:

  • Eat healthy foods — proper nutrition can play a part in mental and physical wellbeing.
  • Exercise daily — it regulates hormones, activates positive stress, and burns cortisol.
  • Get plenty of sleep — it’s a great mood enhancer.
  • Give yourself a break — reclaim your time.
  • Take deep breaths — effective for removing adrenalin from your system.
  • Stretch regularly. It’s an outstanding relaxer for your body and mind.
  • Meditate daily — the Swiss Army knife of mental training. Pick your flavor and practice every day. It changes lives.
  • Self-hypnosis — another brilliant method for removing stress and changing your mind.
  • Pray — like meditation, it can be a substantial source for being centered and feeling at one with the universe.
  • Connect with friends — Friends provide social connection, as well as emotional support and practical help.
  • Remember your goals — a daily reminder of what you’re working towards can help you stay focused
  • Sometimes, the best way to get rid of stress is to walk up to it and smack it. Or get to know it better.
  • Build up more good stress — eustress can help to overcome the bad stuff. Actively seek the good kind.

If stress is defined as anything that disrupts homeostasis, it becomes obvious why it is important to handle it. There can be good and bad stress. The bad stuff will show up, but you don’t have to be afraid of it.

Address Issues in Your Inner Life

Physical and mental health are equally important. In fact, it can be a great motivation to become and stay fit. For decades, scientists have studied the mind-body connection.

Biological processes may be affected by our thoughts, emotions, beliefs, and attitudes. Our thoughts may affect our body’s health!

Mental states can be affected by our physical bodies (either positively or negatively). Therefore, our bodies and minds are intertwined in complex ways. How can we make that work for us?

The goal of mind-body therapies is to help us become more aware of our mental processes and steer our mental states in a less harmful direction.

Our mental states can be consciously shaped by applying a variety of techniques. Developing healthy relationships with your thoughts, beliefs, emotions, and attitudes can be achieved by using the following practices.

  • There are support groups available.
  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy options.
  • Mindfulness exercises.
  • Praying.
  • Music, art, and dance therapies.
  • Practicing yoga.
  • Biofeedback practice.
  • Tai chi or martial arts classes.
  • Meditation.
  • Relaxation exercises.
  • Self-hypnosis.
  • Guided imagery sessions.

We still have a lot to learn about the mind, the body, and how the brain works to control both. The best thing we can do is respect and care for our hardware and software. One of my favorite sayings is “The body is a rental. Let’s take care of it while we’re using it.”

Plan and Prioritize for Happiness

Goals aren’t only for Type A personalities. Setting goals activates new behaviors, keeps your attention on what you want to achieve, and aids in the maintenance of momentum in your life.

Goals also help align your focus and promote a sense of self-mastery. You can’t manage what you don’t measure, and you can’t improve anything if you don’t properly handle it.

You should always have a second goal in mind when you achieve the current one. Whether you achieve your goals or change them, goal setting is a never-ending process. You must adjust and restructure your goals regularly.

Stay Hydrated for Health and Wellness

Life depends on water. A newborn’s body weight is up to 85% water. You lose water every day through breath, sweat, urine, and feces. Our fat oxidizes into vapor and water.

Hydration affects virtually every function within the human body: blood flow throughout the vessels and lymphatic system; absorption and transport of nutrients from food to cells.

In an average adult, the kidneys filter about 120–150 quarts of water a day. The body deposits toxins into the bladder as urine and also gets rid of some excess salts and acids through sweat and respiration.

Water intake contributes to maintaining the right pH balance in the blood as well as regulating body temperature. You need it and it’s good for you. Do it.

Stop the Guilt and Shame in its Tracks

Almost anything can impede our plans. We get caught up in what life throws at us and it gets harder to get back on track. Now it becomes more difficult to free yourself from feelings of guilt, blame, and pressure to get back on your feet. It’s difficult to sit with these emotions, but we do.

The thoughts and feelings you have are within your control. You can get back up and move again when guilt creeps in. Make sure that guilt does not become a self-fulfilling prophecy! Practice kindness towards yourself and others to heal more quickly.

You can use guilt to motivate you to change your behavior. Acknowledging your actions will help you resolve to change. Also, you might discover what you can do differently in the future. The following list provides some perspective.

  • Name your guilt.
  • Explore the source.
  • Apologize and make amends.
  • Learn from the past.
  • Practice gratitude.
  • Replace negative self-talk with self-compassion.
  • Remember guilt can work for you.
  • Forgive yourself.

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Change How You Think About the Past

You can reflect on the past, but you should also treat yourself with kindness. Sports teams meet after a game to review how the game was played, whether they win or lose. Making use of the past to create a better future gives you an opportunity to keep improving. If you look back, you can still move forward with the attitude of fixing as you go.

You Don’t Have to Love It to Do It

We don’t enjoy doing things we don’t feel like doing. When we were kids, we were forced into doing chores, homework, going to bed on time. Now, as adults, we sometimes want to rebel against the rules of authority.

So how do we get stuff done when it needs to be, even when we don’t want to do it?

Meditate to Keep Your Thoughts in Check

There’s more to meditation than meets the eye. It’s a skill, and just like other skills, it must be mastered to reap its benefits fully. However, you’ll gain a lot of benefits long before you master this art. Practitioners have seen benefits in as little as two weeks of daily meditation.

Concentrate on your breath: how it moves through your body and where you feel it. Imagine tensions getting released as you breathe in and out. You can bring yourself back to the present moment if your thoughts wander. Your thoughts will wonder; it’s just part of the process.

Studies have shown that meditation affects our mood and perception of reality. By changing our perspective, we can shift our tendency to procrastinate as a coping mechanism.

Dr. Tim Pychyl, a professor of psychology, says that “Procrastination is an emotion regulation problem, not a time management problem.” Meditation offers a change in our coping systems even before we master the practice. To get things done, meditate more.

Find Gratitude and Keep Your Promises

Achieving your life’s goals is an excellent way to ensure our efforts are recognized, and setting them is a terrific way to achieve them. One strategy is to keep promises. Honor your promises to yourself daily.

Finding the time to be grateful each day is a way to get our minds in the right framework for honoring our promises. Psychology studies show that we act more on emotion than logic. By changing our mood and implanting a positive vision on our promises, we’re more likely to take action to move toward our goals. That means even getting through the stuff we don’t enjoy doing.


It’s not always simple to maintain a healthy lifestyle, but it’s worth it. I hope that these suggestions have provided you with some ideas for how to make things simpler for yourself, whether you’re having difficulties getting started or regaining momentum after a relapse. Remember that change takes time and work, but being nicer to yourself and others might help you speed up the process. Be well.



Dennis Francis
Dennis Francis

Written by Dennis Francis

Retired content marketing consultant. Author, artist, husband, father and owner of Still helping small business owners daily.

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