I’ll Never Make Money from Your Income Proof — I’ll Still Profit from Your Tips
I read a post by Jason, who was griping about fellow Medium authors throwing outrageous income numbers on the platform without showing proof. Maybe you’ve already read it here. Warning, Jason is salty.
Basically, his premise is that there are Medium authors who are making extravagant income claims without offering proof. And while I agree with Jason’s viewpoint (to a certain extent), I’d like to delve a little deeper into the topic to give you an insider’s viewpoint.
Truth be told, I have no problem with these “authors” not showing me proof of income. That won’t affect my bottom line. I do, however, have a problem with them presenting a 900-word article that really holds no value for the audience.
In marketing, we know that we have to pitch an offer to get a reader’s attention. Our offer can even be outrageous… providing we back it up.
Here’s the thing; people may show up because of your title but they want a little something in return. Brag if you must but give us some details. Tell us how you did it.
Show Me the Strategy
I don’t even want them to spell out ALL their tactics. At least leave the reader with some actionable step toward making a dent in their own progress.
I can ignore the inflated egos if there’s actionable information available. For me, it’s critical to pick up one nugget that will inspire me or give me some traction in my work. Far too many authors here prefer to inspire rather than teach. Of course, because it’s much easier to “inspire”.
The greatest value authors can bring to the table is quantifiable information. It could be a simple tip like create writing templates for your blog posts to make daily production easier. You can check my post on that here.
Information that’s valuable can come from anywhere. The real value is in how I can make it work for myself. Please be sure to give us something to work with.
If authors who want to write about making money don’t explain the process in a way that I can grasp, it doesn’t matter how much money they made. I can’t duplicate their success because they can’t explain how it’s done.
Writers are Cheap — Teachers are Gold
An author who can pass on cogent information to others is worth their weight in gold. I’d prefer to sit down with a guy who ghostwrites Warren Buffett’s books for an hour with a notepad than have a face-to-face meeting with Elon Musk.
Buffet’s writer will leave me with an investment action plan that I can put to the test in my own life. That’s because he/she could distill the investment billionaire’s strategy into a step-by-step process.
I’ve ghostwritten books for people who were proficient at what they do but didn’t have the skill to articulate the process in a way that was easily understood.
The people I work with take a lot of time to figure out the details of the process. I have no problem with being inspired, but inspiration won’t pay for my hobbies.
All I want the Medium writers to do is link to the resources they researched for their story. Or they can take the time to produce practical information for me and others to work with. I certainly learn a lot from Medium.
You will too, I am sure! I want the nugget of information that may shave 6 months off my production time. I don’t care who gave me that information as long as I can put it into action and hit my goal.
My fellow Medium authors out there who like to throw numbers around, please understand that nobody here cares. We only want what’s in it for us.
Show Your Work
Please outline your process so that we can try it for ourselves. I’m sure that one or two of us will hit it big using your strategy and boast about it on Medium sometime down the road.
I’ve been reading a lot about the gold rush mentality taking over parts of Medium. I’d just add that you can get a lot of value out of this platform. I’m also told you can make a living publishing here.
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