Motivation Techniques for Success and What Benjamin Disraeli Got Wrong

Dennis Francis
6 min readApr 15, 2022


Man in suit climbing stairway to success with a briefcase in his hand.

The self-help gurus were only half right about motivation techniques… here’s why.

“You can be anything you want to be.” How many times have those well-meaning words been imparted to some young person? Many people think they can reach those lofty heights with grit and tenacity. There is one major obstacle to this promise; time.

Benjamin Disraeli said: ‘The secret of success is constancy of purpose. ‘The happiness you are searching for comes through reflecting on the worthy aims you are dedicated to achieving and then taking action daily to advance them.” He’s not wrong. However, the last part of his quote often gets lost in the romance of success attainment.

Motivation Techniques

Success ultimately requires ongoing motivation. This article explores the psychology of motivation and how it can benefit you. One critical aspect of motivation is setting meaningful targets. Being able to clarify your aim and keep that focus regardless is often the most troublesome part of the process.

The first step involves knowing what you want. Once you’ve identified your goals, explore what it will take to work towards achieving them. Everybody needs to first understand what they are undertaking in order to perform on cue. What steps can we take to keep up the drive to hit the right targets long enough to make the plan a reality?

Success Requires Ongoing Motivation

Staying inspired and optimistic is a key to staying motivated. Motivating yourself and staying focused can be accomplished by doing several things:

• Reading books about successful people in your niche.

• Talking with people who have achieved what you hope to achieve.

• Associate with like-minded people who are on the same journey.

• Use your imagination to have a consistent vision of your outcome.

• Build daily rituals that help to set the tone for taking daily action.

• Daily positive self-talk.

If you want to succeed, you must become your own cheerleader. You can do this by visualizing your goals every day. Make this your most consistent habit. Visualizing your outcome helps you stay motivated despite the inevitable setbacks. Make it into a daily ritual.

Look for Patterns to Success

Having a passion for the activities that lead to your goal is a key to motivation. People can only sustain effort for a limited amount of time with negative motivation. Those who master a sport or craft know it’s difficult. They put in the unpleasant work because they love the result.

A person is more likely to stick with their plans if they feel motivated to do the little things that are needed to succeed at the big things. Develop a ritual around putting on your jogging shoes at the same time in the morning.

As a result, positive motivation is essential to tackling the small steps. This will also enable you to reach your target and grow personally. Sure, successful people are highly motivated, but how the heck do they stay that way?

The Psychology Behind Motivation

Motivation drives people to engage in certain behaviors. Enthusiasm comes in a variety of forms. They play a role in human behavior on a biological, social, and personal level. A need or want is the basis for these types of incentives.

The emotional drive is a bit more complicated and nuanced than the basic needs of food, shelter and companionship. It’s still possible to achieve our goals despite the ambiguity of what motivates us. It’s likely that people with acute needs for achievement will work harder and delay gratification more than others.

There are many forms of motivation.

• Motivation based on rewards.

• Motivation based on attitudes.

• Fight or flight motivation.

• Motivation centered on creativity.

• Motivation for achievement.

• Competitive motivation.

• Motivated by power or accumulation.

If you don’t possess the intense drive of an Olympic athlete, you can still succeed. Start with your aim, develop your plan of action, and break it down into small action steps. Track your actions daily.

Goal Setting to Hit Your Mark

Realistic objectives are essential to attaining what you desire. Your steps in the process should also reflect your values and what you want to achieve. Staying motivated is easier when your thoughts, actions, and feelings are in alignment.

The Value of Milestones?

A very effective way to keep your team motivated is to set milestones for the project. Setting small, attainable goals will help everyone stay focused on the big goal, as well as trigger the brain’s release of dopamine.

Try smaller, attainable milestones that you can meet each month instead of a few big ones. Assess each milestone and acknowledge its completion.

Video games that adopt this approach see greater engagement. Instead of trying to challenge the player to a hard mission at the earlier levels, there is a gradual process of ever-increasing difficulty.

However, since players get the satisfaction of small wins along the way, the game doesn’t intimidate the average players who are learning to master their moves. So players can reach each challenge with a sense of accomplishment even as the game grows more difficult.

Recognizing Your Limitations Can Help You Customize Your Plan

Staying on track is difficult for many people, especially those with attention or learning disabilities. It’s also difficult to maintain motivation when you can’t see your progress. Recognize the areas where you need support and acknowledge your limitations.

Make adjustments where needed to accomplish a particular challenge. Make accommodations where you can to shore up your deficits. If you need more help with a particular project, find the right source for help. There’s no reason to struggle unnecessarily.

Meditation for Motivation

Meditation can break procrastination and create more positive attitudes. Whenever we feel discouraged, we worry about what lies ahead.

Meditation allows us to clear our minds of negative emotions and refocus on the next step. Here are a few ways you can use meditation to boost your motivation.

• Improved concentration.

• Increases focus.

• Enhances your will power.

• Develop greater discipline.

The process of meditation also rewires your brain’s patterns to a more positive state. When you know why you want something, you will be more motivated to achieve it. Meditation can improve your mood regardless of your motivation. Meditation is a powerful tool to improve your life.

Improve Habits Through Tracking

Set your goals for today and commit to tracking them. By using simple tools and strategies, you can make goal tracking easier. It might just become second nature to you.

Forming positive rituals can lead to productive habits. Productive habits lead to consistency. And of course, consistency of action lead to mastery.

Success Leaves Clues

We’re not going to love every step of the process. We want that chocolate cake and want to put our feet up while we watch cartoons, not do another early morning run. We endure the tedious stuff by crossing it off our list each day. No romance there. We might eventually come to love the tasks, not just accept them.

It’s not enough to say the secret to losing weight is to focus on a diet and exercise program. We need to have a way of staying engaged with the daily tasks that lead up to the small successes. Many of us need to understand how to run a marathon one meter at a time. That’s the big secret when trying to achieve simple or complex goals.

Getting it Done

The initial motivation is the easy part- it’s the ongoing decision to take action every day that’s difficult. The trick is to stay consistent for the duration of the time needed to reach the objective. Will we need to stick with it for three months or three years?

Was Benjamin Disraeli wrong about motivation being the key to success? No, not really. What he and others overlook is the genuine need for ordinary people to first focus on strategies for achieving consistency and longevity of purpose as part of the goal-setting process.

Once the decision has been made, construct the plan, break it down into action steps and milestones. Focus on the milestones. Break those down into actionable steps that keeps you engaged daily. Finally, don’t forget to reward yourself along the way!

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Dennis Francis
Dennis Francis

Written by Dennis Francis

Retired content marketing consultant. Author, artist, husband, father and owner of Still helping small business owners daily.

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